Talks and presentations
Introduction to Semantic Search using Semantra
Modern Languages and Literatures Lecture Series (Spring 2024). University of Miami, April 2024.
Talks in conferences
Pajubá as a community of practice
17th Samuel Armistead Colloquium: “From the Margin to the Horizon: New Landscapes in Cultural, Linguistics and Literature Studies in Ibero America”. University of California, Davis. April 2024.
From Brazilian Literary Feet Lovers to Reddit Femboys: Imagining Queer Multitudes as a form of Alliance.
Queen’s Graduate Conference in Literature “ORIENTATION: THIS WAY, THAT WAY & THE OTHER”. Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada, May 2023.
What is queer about queer cinema: Queering speculative fabulation.
Fifth Annual Graduate and Postdoctoral Research Symposium. University of Miami, Miami, March 2023.
Quando a estrela é coadjuvante: a personagem queer no cinema brasileiro entre a primeira e a segunda metade do século XX
7th Biennial Vinculaciones 2023 “(Re)thinking the “We” in Latin America” - Graduate Student Symposium, University of Pittsburgh, April 2023
Machorras, viados, and sapas: Post-feminism and Furry alliances in Latin America and global North
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures Graduate Conference, University of Miami, March 2023
Published conference papers
Somatofictional autopoietics in the cartoon Steven Universe (in Portuguese). SIMPÓSIO GÊNERO E INFÂNCIA: Direitos Humanos, Educação e Psicanálise (pp. 18-19), Porto Alegre.
Presentation and results of the project comprehending human development from practical activities of teaching and assessment (in Portuguese). Anais do Congresso UFCSPA. I Congresso UFCSPA, Porto Alegre.
Always characters, sometimes actresses, never directors: the cinema made by Brazilian trans women and travestis (in Portuguese). Anais do Congresso UFCSPA. I Congresso UFCSPA, Porto Alegre.
Could the travesti film? Marks of the cinema directed by travestis and trans women in Brazil (in Portuguese). SALÃO DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA DA UFRGS XXXI, Porto Alegre.
Toward an anal Psychoanalysis: un-culo-nscious mind and queer contributions (in Portuguese). ANAIS DO XVII ENCONTRO DA REGIONAL SUL DA ABRAPSO. XVII ENCONTRO DA REGIONAL SUL DA ABRAPSO, Porto Alegre.
Pornochanchadas and the erotic: perspectives and subversions (in Portuguese). XXX SALÃO DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA DA UFRGS, Porto Alegre.
Portraits of the academic production on Psychoanalysis and Cinema in Rio Grande do Sul (in Portuguese). XXIX SALÃO DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA DA UFRGS, Porto Alegre.